Erectile Dysfunction can strain any relationship. When other treatment options like taking Cialis or other drugs are not helpful alone, sex therapy can come as a savior. Therapy for any physical and other problems may sound reasonable. But what sex therapy exactly means? Sex therapy is very similar to the term “Counselling”. It is a short-term form that can take 5 to 20 sessions of the patient with the therapist. Every course of sex therapy can last up to one hour. The frequency of the treatment depends upon the health condition of the patient.
During the session, the patient is given different tasks by the therapist. Reading books about sexuality, sexual communication, and touching skills are a few of the tasks assigned to the patient to perform.
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What is Sex Therapy?
It is a kind of talk therapy that is designed for individuals who are suffering from ED due to mental, personal, medical, psychological, and other relevant factors. The goal of the treatment procedure is simple, and that is to help people to face their past challenges and achieve a pleasurable and satisfying sex life.
Apart from helping patients with erectile dysfunction, it is also beneficial for some other sexual dysfunctions like
- Lower or excessive libido
- Lack of interest in sex
- Lower confidence level
- Premature ejaculation
- Absence of sexual stimulus
- Inability to achieve orgasm
- Distressing sexual thoughts etc.
A fulfilling and intimate life helps a relationship to grow positively. Physical and emotional intimacy is a must have in any relationship. But with Erectile Dysfunction fulfilling sex life is a harder task to accomplish. It helps the patients to reframe their intimate life and increase the level of satisfaction.
Is Sex Therapy Helpful for ED Treatment?
It can indeed be an option to treat ED like Tadalafil, Viagra. There are certain conditions where sex therapy can be helpful
- If the man with ED can achieve an erection during sleep
- The blood tests and the physical exams related to ED are normal
- The person has an overall good health
The therapy is also helpful for the patients for whom mental stress is the cause of the disorder. Due to financial worries, work problems, or relationship issues. ED becomes a prevalent problem, there is a massive chance for the patient to deal that with this treatment option. In fact, that can be one of the best treatment methods in that case.
Does Sex Therapy Really Work?
After the question,if it can be an option to treat erectile disorder, the next one is does that work? Because it is not only about the application but about the effectiveness of the same.
A man suffering from ED can have the most of the therapy when his partner is a part of the treatment. Many studies have found that men with ED, who have also involved their partner in the therapy, have resolved the problem by 70%.
Many patients drop out of the treatment procedure only after 2 or 3 sessions. The effectiveness of the treatment can’t be judged so early. Thus, disappointment can be the only consequence left for those cases.
Many patients who are going for surgical treatments for Erectile problems or taking ED drugs like Cialis 40mg, can also consider sex therapy before opting for the same.
A counselor during the therapy process helps the couples to enhance their sexual communication and lovemaking skills for better sex life. A single man with ED can get benefited from the counseling too. A single man is taught, how to talk to his partner and also about different treatment procedures for ED.
How Does Sex Therapy Works?
If you have gone through psychotherapy or have heard of it, sex therapy is exactly the same. The patient shares his worries, feelings, and experiences with the counselor in detail. The counselor then helps the patients to cope with mechanisms to support sex life.
Sex therapy helps to treat ED. There are many things you need to know before you start going to a sex therapist. Here is a sneak peek before you hire a sex therapist for your ED.
In the initial conversation, the counselor may talk to the patient along with your partner. With each passing session, the counselor helps the couples to manage and accept the concern, which leads to ED in a better way. The therapist doesn’t show patients how to have sex during any session. The entire session is held in a supportive and educational environment.
A sex therapist is hired to provide encouragement and comfort to the patient. If your therapist finds out that the real cause behind ED in your case is any physical disorder, he may simply refer you to a medical doctor to get ED drugs like Levitra 60mg pills or others.
In many cases, the medical doctor and the therapist work together to help the patient in a better way.
How to Know If I Need a Sex Therapist?
The signs and symptoms of ED are prevalent. When a person finds it hard to have an erection or to hold an erection for longer, the problem is simply called ED. There are many treatments available for the challenge. Then how to know that you need to go for a therapist to treat the problem?
In the first place, you need to analyze the part of life that is being affected by your thoughts right now. If you are suffering from ED your life is also affected, you must see a therapist. If you find it hard to establish sexual communication with your partner, it is also a sign that you may need a therapist for your help.
Lack of intimacy can also push a patient or say a couple to head towards a sex therapist for help.
How to Find a Sex Therapist?
A certified sex therapist can be anyone including a licensed psychologist, psychotherapist, marriage and relationship counselor, or even a social worker. To get certified, these mental health experts need and additional training in human sexuality. The accreditation is validated only when the therapist has achieved enough knowledge and expertise on the subject.
Calling the local hospital or the university medical center is the easiest way to find a sex therapist. You can also take the help of mobile applications and websites to find out the licensed sex therapists in your locality.
You can also ask your insurance company about the same. They can give you a list of certified sex therapists. You must check the license and the experience of the therapist before you proceed.
If you want to have some personal recommendations, you can also ask your health care provider about the same. A gynecologist or urologist can help you with the better recommendation of a sex therapist.
What to Know Before You Initiate the Treatment?
It is more like talk therapy than treatment in real. But you need to consider a few things to know before you start getting your sessions. Here are the five most important things that you must consider knowing before getting started.
Compatibility: To have a better sex life undoubtedly, you will need to have an outstanding compatibility level with your partner. But to have a helpful and remarkable session, you need to consider the compatibility between you and the therapist. A successful therapy session relies upon the communication between the patient and the therapist. You also need to consider the level of trust that you can build for the therapist.
You also need to ask yourself one more question very carefully, that if you can trust the solutions given to you for a more extended period. If you don’t feel a satisfactory level of comfort with your therapist you can consider going for another until you can find the best one.
The approach of the sessions: You also don’t need to come with your partner only for the therapy session. In many cases, solo sex therapy is enough to deal with the problem. Also, there are cases where both the partners are needed to be present during the sessions for better results like improved satisfaction and a stronger connection between the partners.
You must talk to your partner before you start going for the sessions. If you want your partner to be involved in your therapy, you can simply ask to join.
Logistics: When you consider going to a sex therapist, it is also essential to consider this point. Your sex therapist must be accessible to you whenever you need. You must know the office address of the therapist and how you can easily reach them.
If you want to attend the session during your lunch hour or after work, you need to hire someone who can fit with your time and availability.
Many therapists prefer telehealth sessions. This means that you need to be physically present for the sessions, but you can attend them online. Online sessions are a better choice as they can be attended from the comfort of the home.
You also need to find a convenient location so that you don’t need to avoid the sessions creating excuses.
Plan of Treatment: Being a patient, you have all the rights to know about the treatment plan, decided by your therapist for you. During the first conversation, your therapist is more likely to go for a framework of the treatment plan with you. For many couples and individuals, it may take several sessions to decide the treatment plan.
However, once the treatment plan is made for you, it increases the possibility of successful treatment. You feel confident about taking up the future challenges coming your way during the treatment procedure.
Other Ways to Treat Erectile Dysfunction
Sex therapy is not the one and only way out to treat ED successfully. There are different treatment options available for the ED patients to deal with their disorder like:
Changing Lifestyle
Lifestyle change is one of the best options to treat ED. Lifestyle change includes
- Maintaining a healthy body weight
- Preferring a healthy diet
- Exercising Regularly
- Treating cardiovascular and liver-related diseases which are the causes of ED
Taking ED drugs
ED medicines are widely available in the market. The medicines are generally PDE5 inhibitors, which act upon the enzyme causes ED. Those medicines also regulate the blood flow in the body and penis and help the patients to achieve a harder and prolonged erection.
- Viagra: It is one of the most common and well know pills to treat ED. Sildenafil Citrate is the main ingredient of the tablet, and several dosages are available for the problem. The dosage can be chosen according to the requirement of the patient. Viagra 200mg is an oral pill thus, it can be taken directly with the help of a little water. The patient needs to take medicine at least 30 minutes before any sexual intercourse for better results.
- Cialis: It is another oral pill for ED. The key ingredient of Cialis is Tadalafil. The working mechanism of the medicine is equal to Viagra. Tadalafil 20mg need to be taken 30 to 60 minutes before any sexual intercourse. The generic form of the medicine is also available in the market and is sold under various brand names.
- Levitra: Levitra also comes under the PDE5 inhibitor group. It works effectively by diminishing the working action of the enzyme, which causes erection problems. Levitra 10mg are the key ingredient of the medicine. This is also an oral pill thus can be administered directly through the mouth. One must ask the doctor about the perfect or suitable dosage of the medicine to ignore any possible side effects.
- Prostate Massage Treatment: Prostate is a part of the male reproductive system. It is placed below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Prostate prostate is one of the leading causes of ED. It is considered to be one of the primary treatment options for ED. Fortunately, this can also be practiced with other treatment options.The massage also eliminates if there is any blocked fluid. The studies have found that men who have taken prostate massage therapy have experienced an improvement in their erectile disorder problems.
- Homemade cock-ring: Not all cases can get solved with prescribed ED drugs. They can also have specific side effects on patients with certain health conditions. When prescription medications are not appropriate enough, some medical devices can help in treating the problem. If penile pumps or other devices are hard to handle, Homemade Cock Rings are a better option for the treatment.
The ring is placed in the base of the penis to maintain the flow of the blood back to the penis and also to maintain an erection for longer. The cock rings can be made of rubber, plastic, silicone, or metal. Those rings are appropriate to use when a man needs to maintain an erection after achieving it.
Fulfilling sex life is expected by all. Physical and mental elements are necessary to take care of to maintain a healthy sex life. Where some patients suffer from ED due to many health conditions like heart and liver-related issues many suffer from psychological disorders and face ED as a challenge.
Sex therapy is a smart and effective approach to treat and eliminate the underlying problems which cause ED. Sex therapy helps the patient to have honest communication and push towards a happy sex life.
Disclaimer: This information is intended for general knowledge only and should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider regarding any health concerns or before making any decisions related to your health.